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Schwanger werden und es dabei belassen: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

KKeine Bearbeitungszusammenfassung
Zeile 25:
A: No, I find that if I would take any request, give my undivided attention to the one who is defining for me in words what he wants, and then assume to the best of my ability that he has what he desires; and then turn—instead of dwelling upon it, wondering how is it going to work after the horrible story that he told me about himself, then he tells me he wants this, that and the other, and I’m thinking of a thousand things and it’s all disturbing—by turning to another I drop him completely and pay no further attention to that state, then I am keeping the sabbath relative to him. For the sabbath is not a day of twenty-four hours. It is not any day or Saturday or Sunday or anything else that the churches keep alive. The sabbath is that moment of rest when the mind is undisturbed, having done the work. And so, he worked and judged everything good. It’s all subjective. So he saw everything that he had done and it was very good, and then the Lord rested. So the 7th day is the sabbath of the Lord and in it man should not do any work. But if God and man are one, well then, do it as the Lord does it. As you’re told, be imitators of God as dear children. Well, if this is how he does it, he calls a thing that is not seen as though it were and then the unseen becomes seen, well then, imitate him. But try to keep the sabbath. The sabbath is that interval of time where you are completely undisturbed.
I was thinking of this sabbath going to New York in May and thinking about two titles. I thought, well now, the word sabbath is not an appealing title for people because it means…well, they go to church on Sunday or they go to church on Saturday and so what. Who’s going to talk about the sabbath? I said to my wife, and I meant it at the moment, quite seriously, she thought it was a joke. I said, “No, I’m not kidding. You put down mystical pregnancy or a creative pregnancy, but get the word pregnancy in it ___(??).” It’s a pregnant state…so that you create, it’s a creative act, and the sabbath is part of the creative act. And so, I create it in my mind’s eye, I see it clearly, and get the emotional thrill, the explosion that comes with the creative act, only it’s done subjectively, and then you keep the sabbath. Well, the sabbath is that interval of pregnancy. And what do you do to aid pregnancy? Leave it alone. Any attempt on your part to aid it will bring about a mental miscarriage. Just leave it alone. It comes in its own good time into the world. So I simply call it a creative pregnancy. And so, if I just take it this way and then drop it completely, and then turn to another, and then drop it, in the same light vein, each then becomes a creative act.
I do not know anything else that I could tell you. I have no secrets. Every time I take the platform I give you all that I have for the moment. I have no special classes that I could give you more than I do for you to discuss. Some people come out of the nowhere, that you never thought of before or for the moment you’ve forgotten, but that doesn’t mean you have a secret. I tell it all.
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